Tipping Point: Agriculture on the brink — A PBS NewsHour Special


Bureau County farmer Michael Ganschow and IFB Director of Environmental Policy Lauren Lurkins joined award-winning PBS correspondent Miles O'Brien in a recent PBS NewsHour on agriculture, water, and climate.

The NewsHour live streamed from the University of Illinois and featured several panelists, including Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., Cynthia Rosensweig of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Sarah Garland of the Triple Helix Institute and Andrew Margenot of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

IFB's recently produced documentary "Sustaining Our Future: A Farm Family Story" was featured in the segment, including interviews with the Ganschow family. The segment featuring the documentary and live conversations with Michael Ganschow and Lauren Lurkins begin at timestamp [43:33]. The full segment is viewable on the PBS YouTube page.
