Micro talks still available for viewing

Don’t forget: More than two dozen micro talks from Annual Meeting remain available on demand.

And there’s a little something for everyone — from an update on crop insurance and biofuels to tips on social media etiquette and heirloom bread recipes. Each lasts between 15-45 minutes, depending on the topic.

The micro talks will remain available to IFB members until March 4.

While online, members can watch the Saturday night general session from annual meeting, which included county awards and President Richard Guebert Jr.’s address, as well as the Young Leader program and Sunday’s general session speaker, Cheryl Mitchell.

If you attended Annual Meeting either in person or virtually, the talks can be accessed by first creating a MyIFB account at www.myifb.org. Once the account is created and login is successful, proceed to the Annual Meeting Site, https://community.ilfb.org/annualmeeting/home, which uses the same login information.

Didn’t attend Annual Meeting? Members can contact membership operations at 309-557-2689 or email membership@ilfb.org.
