IFB initiated an Action Request on June 22, 2023

IFB initiated an Action Request on June 22, 2023, regarding US EPA’s Light and Medium Duty GHG Emissions Standards Proposed rule and appreciates the efforts of all IFB members who submitted comments.  These collective efforts should help elevate this problematic proposal, so thank you to those who responded!   Additionally, IFB submitted the below comments on June 27, 2023.  In the comments, IFB expressed concerns with US EPA’s prescriptive policy of requiring electric vehicles (EV) rather than quantify emissions from existing technologies.  IFB then highlighted the US EPA proposal inhibits the marketplace from identifying the most efficient options.  IFB also shared that the proposal is failing to recognize and properly quantify promising advancements in a variety of sustainable liquid fuels (i.e. biofuels).  Other concerns highlighted include concerns with infrastructure, impacts on rural communities, and the potential harmful cost implications.  For more information, contact Amelia Cheek at acheek@ilfb.org.    

