Value chain relationships


Agribusiness Roundtable

Illinois Farm Bureau® hosts the annual Agribusiness Roundtable to bring together representatives from throughout the food and agriculture industries for a day of information and networking. Each year, the roundtable focuses on a central theme, hearing from company representatives on topics like sustainability, animal welfare, ingredient sourcing and more

Value Chain Tour

Each year, IFB holds a Value Chain Tour to engage industry, learn more about various companies and further build lasting relationships. The tour rotates between Chicago, St. Louis and Indianapolis. Tour participants include the IFB president as well as representatives from Illinois commodity groups, including the Illinois Corn Growers Association, Illinois Soybean Association, Illinois Beef Association, Illinois Pork Producers Association, Illinois Wheat Association, Illinois Specialty Crop Association and Illinois Milk Producers’ Association. 


Farm tours

During the planting and harvest seasons, IFB invites food and agriculture companies from throughout the value chain to visit farmers doing what they do best - farming. Generally speaking, representatives from the companies are hosted by a farm family for most of the day. They hear first from the farmer and his family before getting out on the farm to see first-hand what happens in the field. These experiences have a lasting impact on all the individuals who attend.  
