OMS Survey Response

Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) conducted a survey in Spring 2024, seeking member-driven feedback on the direction of the organization now and in the future. Over several months, IFB collected data through email, focus groups, events, virtual calls, and more. The results drive the decision-making process for the OMS Advisory Committee and subcommittees. Thanks in part to an overwhelming 15.9% response rate to the survey, which included members from all 102 counties in Illinois, the margin of error in the survey results is 2.1%, indicating an extraordinarily high level of confidence that the results are representative of the entire membership of 74,000+ MM/MS and PM/PS members.

Some quick takeaways from the results are summarized below. Members are encouraged to contact their county Farm Bureau for a longer-form, in-depth analysis of the results and provide feedback to

OMS survey feedback guiding roadmap | General |

Who responded to the survey? As you can see in the chart below, the vast majority of survey respondents work directly in production agriculture. Note: Members were asked to select the one answer that best described themselves. So we are exploring additional data to help us understand our members' roles in agriculture.

Respondent role in farming

What does IFB do well for members? Farm Bureau members were clear about the main strengths of the organization: informing, advocating and developing. Diving deeper into the segments, there are slight differences in the values that different members have on those topics.

  • Informing: MM/MS members value FarmWeek and RFD Radio delivering in-depth, accurate and timely ag news for producers. PM/PS members value the organization’s ability to build public trust and educate the state’s youth through programs like Ag in the Classroom.
  • Advocating: MM/MS members are more likely to value legislative and environmental efforts in Springfield and Washington.
  • Developing: MM/MS members embrace ALOT, Young Leader and other member education programs that develop young farmers into agricultural leaders. PM/PS members value events that serve as both career development and networking opportunities.

What respondents think IFB does well for members

Farmer respondents' most important topics for IFB to focus on in 2024

What is a Net Promoter Score (NPS)? An NPS indicates the likelihood that members will promote the organization to others. In the scoring framework, numbers above zero are considered “promoters” and below zero are considered “detractors.” IFB’s overall NPS is 3, indicating a willingness of members to share IFB successes. Members under 30 and members aged 40-70 were particularly likely to speak favorably about Farm Bureau.

Net promoter scoring

  • Net Promoter Scoring Framework:
    • Above 0 is good,
    • Above 20 is favorable, 
    • Above 50 is excellent, and
    • Above 80 is world-class

How likely respondents are to recommend IFB to someone they know

Net promoter table

Which governmental affairs issues are IFB members most interested in? Both MM/MS and PM/PS members shared consensus on legislative priorities like trade and taxation, while MM/MS members emphasized the farm bill, as well.

Top Governmental Affairs farmer respondents indicate are most important to their farming operations

