Competitions, Awards, & Recognition
Collegiate Discussion Meet
The Collegiate Discussion Meet (CDM) is a competition held each year where members exchange information and ideas on current issues facing the agricultural industry with the intent to reach solutions involving the Farm Bureau organization. In each round groups of 4-6 students are given 1 of the 3 topics, which are provided ahead of time, to discuss together and they try and reach possible solutions. There is a 30-second maximum opening statement given by each participant, 20 or 25 minutes of open discussion, and it finishes with a 1-minute maximum closing statement by each participant. Keep in mind, we aren't asking for experts but rather participants who are willing to fully talk through and create possible solutions to answer the questions.
Students receiving 1st through 4th place are provided prizes, based on their ranking, with the potential for a scholarship, cash prizes and expense paid trips to the IAA Annual Meeting and/or American Farm Bureau® YFR or FUSION Conferences. The 1st place winner will represent Illinois in the National Collegiate Discussion Meet.
Collegiate Advisory Committee
Each year, a committee of students and advisors from our Collegiate Farm Bureau® chapters gathers throughout the year to provide support and guidance to Illinois Farm Bureau® staff regarding Collegiate Farm Bureau®'s mission, goals, and programming. They play a crucial role in helping IFB implement our goals and ensuring that our programming is to the highest quality it can be by providing feedback and generating new ideas!
Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 1st and are available to Collegiate Farm Bureau® members. Advisors serve for two years and students for one year.
Harvest for All Award
For over 20 years, Illinois Farm Bureau® has participated in the American Farm Bureau Federation®’s Harvest for All campaign – an initiative spearheaded by our Young Leaders that focuses on encouraging community service and giving back. Each year, Illinois Farm Bureau® Young Leaders partner with Collegiate Farm Bureau® chapters across the state to maximize the reach of these efforts.
The tracking period runs from May 1st of the current year to April 30th of the next year. Each year, chapters’ efforts must be recorded in an online form provided by IFB staff, which will be due by Jan. 1st or May 1st depending on the time of the project. On the form, chapters must include a brief description of the Harvest for All event, how much food, dollars, and volunteer hours were donated, and the recipient of those donations. The top three chapters will receive cash prizes and the top chapter will receive a free meal at next year’s Chapter Kickoff and recognition at the following year's IAA Annual Meeting.
Outstanding Chapter President Award
One recipient will be recognized with the Outstanding Chapter President Award each year. The award recipient will be recognized for their outstanding efforts in the areas of membership growth, event attendance & involvement, and based on their personal testimony at the following year's IAA Annual Meeting.
Current presidents can apply themselves or they can be nominated by a fellow student or chapter advisor. Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 1st and are available to Collegiate Farm Bureau® members."
5. In the Outstanding Collegiate Farm Bureau® Award section, The Chapter Award is designed to recognize Collegiate Farm Bureau® chapters that actively implement the mission and goals of Illinois Collegiate Farm Bureau® as they set and execute their chapter-specific goals each year. The top chapter will be formally recognized for their outstanding efforts at the following year's IAA Annual Meeting in addition to a free meal at the end of the current semester or beginning of the next.
Award applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 1st and are made available to each Collegiate Farm Bureau® Chapter.
Outstanding Chapter Award
The Chapter Award is designed to recognize Collegiate Farm Bureau® chapters that actively implement the mission and goals of Illinois Collegiate Farm Bureau® as they set and execute their chapter-specific goals each year. Each chapter that applies will have the opportunity to earn a gold, silver, or bronze rating. All chapters receiving a gold rating will be formally recognized for their outstanding efforts.
Award application information will be made available in January of each year and must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 31st.
For more information, please email