IFB in Action


ACTIVATOR is a grassroots tool that encourages members to build relationships with elected officials and political candidates.

Adopt-A-Legislator® program
Adopt-A-Legislator® program

Illinois Farm Bureau’s Adopt-A-Legislator® Program builds relationships between urban legislators and farmers from across the state with the goal of educating urban legislators about agriculture and rural life issues.

What We're Working On
What We're Working On

Illinois Farm Bureau’s mission is to improve the economic well-being of agriculture and enrich the quality of farm family life. That doesn’t happen all at once. IFB draws on its inclusive policy process, its partnerships throughout the industry and political arena and research and program implementation to achieve success. Learn more by reading about IFB’s four priorities.

Get Out The Vote
Get Out The Vote

Your guide to the 2024 elections, including ways to vote, dates to know, and voting FAQs.

Allies in Agriculture
Allies in Agriculture

This map highlights counties that have passed Pro-Agriculture Resolutions so far. If your county isn’t highlighted yet, contact your county Farm Bureau to find out how you can help. Allies in Agriculture is a partnership effort between Farm Bureau and county government officials across Illinois. Illinois Farm Bureau is collaborating with county Farm Bureaus to improve communication with local officials and help them better understand the significance of agriculture to their county.

Organizational Member Strategy (OMS)
Organizational Member Strategy (OMS)

Get the latest updates on the Illinois Farm Bureau Organizational Member Strategy.
