OMS Update
Work to develop Illinois Farm Bureau’s Organizational Member Strategy (OMS) continues at a steady clip, with the process moving out of the information-gathering phase and into the data-analysis phase.
As a reminder, the data that are underpinning this phase came from a member survey, a county Farm Bureau manager survey, listening sessions at various IFB and commodity group events throughout the winter, and other channels.
Nearly 5,000 responses to the member survey were logged, signaling the strength of our grassroots organization and the shared interest among members and county Farm Bureau leaders in contributing to the shape of IFB’s future.
David White, president of Wayne County Farm Bureau and a member of the OMS Advisory Committee, reported in a recent FarmWeek Perspectives Piece the surveys were answered by nearly every one of the county managers and a goal for member responses was surpassed.
“IFB’s future success is tied to buy-in from the boots-on-the-ground experts from every corner of this state. Because we heard from so many of you, the OMS will be better, and you will reap the rewards of a strong IFB for years to come,” David wrote. I couldn’t agree with him more!
Now comes the task of analyzing all this data, a process that’s being led by the OMS Advisory Committee, which reconvenes this month with a goal of having results analyzed by April 19. Results from the survey will first be shared with county Farm Bureau managers at the 2024 IFB Manager’s Conference, then distributed to members.
These results will also inform the work of the three subcommittees identified by the OMS Advisory Committee — Members, Programs and Engagement, and County Farm Bureaus — as they begin to develop new, creative opportunities for our members to get involved. These subcommittees will ultimately submit to the IAA Board of Directors a list of recommended pilot projects that county Farm Bureaus could implement around the state.
This summer will bring chances to learn more about the survey results, next steps for the OMS and our road map. Additional opportunities for members to get involved will also be shared this summer. Visit for more information.
I encourage every IFB member and county Farm Bureau leader to please consider answering that call and sincerely engage with the OMS. These are important, impactful decisions that will last into future generations of Farm Bureau, and your input and ideas are vital to the success of this process.